Our Retro Bungalow

Our Retro Bungalow
The journal of the making of an old house into a lovely new home.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Pressing Forward

I guess not every post needs a title.
Sometimes it's hard to come up with one.
But I was thinking about one of my favorite hymns
during Sacrament Meeting today
and how it applies in my life not just spiritually, 
but temporally as well considering our circumstances.
That, I suppose, is where the title for today's post comes from.

Here, in a brief photo-summary, is what happened at 
Our Retro Bungalow
this past week.

Bubba finished up all our stonework.

We are SO pleased.

Also NOT pictured in these last two photos is the huge mound of dirt that'd
been sitting in our front yard next to the driveway on the south end.

That mound is gone because
Bubba rented us his skid-steer for a screamin' deal

and Dean spent all day Thursday playing working on getting all that
dirt distributed to various low spots around the house foundation.
I helped too, but didn't have quite as much fun because I was
on good, old fashion shovel duty...
And even though I wore socks and work boots,
my ankles and feet looked like this when I took them off.
Even rubbed the polish off my nails!

Not only did we get that big dirt mound moved and distributed,
Dean broke up most of what was left of the old patio  and loaded it into
our old pickup truck with the skid-steer.
We drove it to
Recycled Earth,
pulled on our work gloves and unloaded it ourselves.
We were amazed at how much weight we had in our 1/2 ton truck.
Our weight upon entry...
and our weight when we left...
4,140 pounds!

Dean was also able to pull some stumps and a few shrubs out that
I wanted gone.
I loaded the carcasses onto the lawn tractor, hauled 'em up top
 and added them to our burn pit.
I'm so happy to have those uprooted.
The backyard landscaping looks a lot less cluttered now.

Other than that,
the door and window trim in the basement is all assembled and installed.
I'll finish getting them filled, sanded, caulked and primed this week.
Oh, and Dean lost a good sized chunk of finger on the router.
It's a pretty nasty, ugly wound.
But he still has all 10 digits!
That's somethin', anyway.

There's more.
There's always more,
but those are the bigger accomplishments for last week.
And if you're interested,
this is what was happening 
here at
Our Retro Bungalwo
 this time last year.
Thanks, as always, for stoppin' by.
Good Night and God Bless.