Monday was eventful.
There is much to tell, but I'll make it as quick and painless as I can.
We enjoyed the view of the mighty track-hoe sitting out front for
the entire weekend. Early Monday morning it was brought back to life by it's handler.
I hadn't given a lot of forethought to the work that was going to be done,
so I was a bit surprised by the magnitude of it.
Here's what went down...
Fruitland Drive was limited to one lane in front of our address and a bit
to the North and South.
to the North and South.
I say 'address' because currently there isn't much of a house.
First off, our crew cut the road surface and dug down to find the water main.
And when they got to it, they popped that cute little valve
in and connected a line for us.
Then they installed our meter box.
We had to wait until today (Wed) to get our meter installed and we are now officially
connected to North Ogden City water. Did I mention that we have to pay twice
as much for water because we're Weber County unincorporated?
connected to North Ogden City water. Did I mention that we have to pay twice
as much for water because we're Weber County unincorporated?
They filled in the hole and tamped it down...
and patched it with new asphalt...
While digging, they broke the city storm drain and had to repair it.
They also broke our sewer connection, which Mr Mossi secretly hoped for
so he could replace the old connection to the house with ABS,
which he did after a quick trip to Durk's Plumbing in Harrisville.
They also...
removed the two huge concrete planter foundations on each side of the driveway,
pulled out some more big tree and bush stumps
pulled up the old garage floor and foundation.
And they dug the footings for our new garage...
We were happy to discover that there is rebar in the foundation;
there was a pretty good possibility there wouldn't be.
We also found that there is an old foundation drain set in course gravel.
That was more good news.
Our 'men at work' were awesome and I made sure they knew about
our 'redneck' refrigerator out back that we keep stocked with bottled water.
I told them to help themselves, which they did.
In the early afternoon I got a whole bunch of ice cream bars and
handed them out.
They looked at me like I was some kind of martian,
(one of Granny's sayins),
but thanked me profusely.
Maybe no one has ever given them ice cream on the job before?
I dunno.
A couple hours later I handed out big bottles of cold Gatorade.
At this point I think they were getting suspicious of me.
They drank up, but I think I weirded them out or scared them or something.
Oh well.
They aren't the first folks I've ever gotten that kind of reaction from, I suppose.
Around 5:30 they'd all packed up and left.
Then, of course, it was time for Cowboy and Cupcake to come check out our 'new digs'.
They had a great time playing in the trenches and on the big mounds of earth.
Al enjoyed it too...
And now...
we have an 8 foot deep mote only 3 feet from the bottom step of our trailer.
It's a good thing we aren't sleepwalkers.
It's late.
I've been trying here and there to get this post done since Monday night.
The last post I did needs rewriting.
That won't happen.
I've lost my bloggin' groove.
Probably because when I blog it's late and I just want to go to bed.
But before I post this and log off, I must mention that
the power company finally came out this morning and unhooked the old power lines
from the south gable and got our temporary power pole hooked up.
So, Mr Mossi took that last wall down tonight.
Also, our engineered plans and our floor plans are all in the hands of
Weber County as of this afternoon.
Our permit to build should
be issued in the next two weeks.
That's it for now.
So tired.
G'night, y'all.