Our Retro Bungalow

Our Retro Bungalow
The journal of the making of an old house into a lovely new home.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Wanescote In the Privys

"Privy" really means "outhouse".
The privys here at Our Retro Bungalow are far from 
the old notion of wooden planks with a hole,
concealed behind a swinging wood door 
with an open crescent shape cut out.
But that's what Mr & Me call our half-bath and the private little room
with the commode in our master bathroom.
In addition to this little prelude...
I've mentioned on several occasions how, as a little girl, I loved traveling
to and spending long, humid, blissful summer days at 
my great-grandparents farm back in Waldo, Arkansas.
I, however, may have never mentioned that the only running water
in that little farmhouse was at the kitchen sink.
And that didn't come along until maybe a decade
before my birth in 1963.
Granny and Papaw Burke bathed every night standing in front of 
the kitchen sink in the dim light of the low-turned wick of a kerosene lantern, 
taking what folks from the south call a 'spit bath'.
Us children (my sister and I and our cousins) were bathed in 
a large galvanized tub on the kitchen floor.
Granny heated water in a kettle on the propane stove and mixed it into
cool water from the well just outside the back door because
drawing water from the well was quicker than filling the bucket at the kitchen sink,
which was pumped from the well.
No bathroom.
No indoor toilet.
And when Granny Burke passed away on that old farm 
in 1987 there were still no such modern convenience,
with the exception of my Granny's (her daughter) double-wide trailer
that had been planted just yards to the east a few years previous.
When a person (or persons) would arrive to stay for an overnight visit 
or longer, Granny would always remind them
"your suitcase is under the bed".
This was Granny Burke's polite way of saying,
"There's a chamber pot under your bed. Use it if need be."
Because nobody...NOBODY...better think once about 
using the "privy" in the night for fear of meeting up 
with a snake or skunk or some other not-so-friendly 
creature of the dark whilst on the trail outback
that leads to the wooden plank with the hole cut-out
concealed behind the swinging wooden door.
And, no, their outhouse door did not have a crescent cut-out.

with that little bit family history behind us,
shall we get on with today's subject?

Before we even had the sill plates down, I knew I wanted a
wanescote in the little half bath in the back hall way and I envisioned 
board and batten.
When it finally - finally - came time for me to order our
finish materials from Wheelwright, I ordered enough length 
of an appropriate baseboard 
(different from the baseboard for the rest of the house)
for that board and batten.
And then, of course, I changed my mind.
I decided I'd rather have a v-groove wanescote.
No worries.
That length of baseboard meant for the board and batt
got used to trim out another of my ideas -
an idea that I actually followed through on.
When it comes to following through on my ideas I average about 50/50.
How else is my good husband supposed to learn patience?
We got that wanecote complete the first part of this month
and it turned out 
We hadn't originally planned to do the master privy too,
but it got thrown into the mix and boy are we glad.
And jus' so ya know...
(cuz some folks don't)

This is v-groove
This is beadbaord.

V-groove and beadboard are not the same.

The guest privy (or half bath) before:

Actually, these are 'during' photos.
I forgot to take 'before' photos.

The guest privy after:

That's just like Miss Em - always in the middle of everything.

The master privy before:

The master privy after:

We're just about out of indoor projects!
There are a couple more on the burner and
we'll get those finished and/or started soon,
but we've still got plenty on the horizon.
And Spring is just around the corner,
so there'll be landscaping to work on.
No rest for the wicked...
or the daft.

Thanks for comin' to visit.
We're glad when you do.
No 'suitcase under the bed' here,
but your welcome to use our
charming little guest privy if need be.