Our Retro Bungalow

Our Retro Bungalow
The journal of the making of an old house into a lovely new home.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Back to Blogging

Catching up seems impossible.
Taking a few steps back and looking forward seems doable.
That's some sage advice not just for projects like 
Our Retro Bungalow, but for life in general.
What with unloading the storage unit, unpacking what seems like 
endless stacks of boxes, trying to organize and find a place 
for everything (often that place is DI), focused care for Ally after her surgery,
Ryan and Abigail's wedding, Christmas, working on getting the finish details 
on the Bungalow completed (we still have a ways to go on that), 
throw in a difficult and painful family situation that has profoundly affected 
every single Mossi...
well, December was an extremely harried month and blogging 
was the very last thing on my mind.
I haven't even checked to see when the last post was published
or what it contains.
I'll just begin rattling off thoughts, download a few photos
and go from there.
Let's begin, shall we?

We spent several evenings back in early December unloading our 
on-site Mobile Mini unit. I don't know why they call it "Mobile Mini"
because the 8' wide x 9' high x 40' long freight train container 
that sat on our south property line for 18 months was anything but mini. 
And we had it packed to the gills Tetris style.
Finally...FINALLY, late one evening we carried the last item out,
swept its floor and latched its doors, never to enter again.

Which meant, of course, that we had stacks and stacks and stacks
of boxes, furniture and random this-n-thats stuffed here-n-there-n-everywhere
in the house and garage. 
As of today, January 8th, we've made significant progress, 
but I'm still working on unpacking and putting away.
And my New Year's resolution after all this effort is that
for the rest of my life I don't buy anymore stuff.
I cannot believe the amount of stuff we own.
I just don't want anymore stuff.
I'm done with stuff.
Ok, point made.
Moving on now...

Dean called Mobile Mini to have them come and pick up
their not-so-mini storage container.
So they did.
And it was a happy thing to see the eyesore off.

And then there was the wedding.
It was rainy and cold and wonderful all at the same time.
And have I mentioned that we LOVE our new daughter, Abigail?

They became Mr & Mrs Mossi The Youngest
in the Salt Lake Temple
on the 13th of December or
And if you're wondering why you didn't get an announcement,
that's because no one did.
From the get-go, they wanted to keep it as quiet, simple, and personal 
as possible, which means there was no reception or open house.
We did have a lovely family luncheon at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building.
On t'ward the end of the luncheon, Dean called a cab that whisked them away 
to the airport and they headed off on their honeymoon.
Perfect day.

Every Christmas I take a lot of pictures.
And every Christmas I end up with one favorite picture.
This years favorite, however, was not taken here at
Our Retro Bungalow.
It was taken at our favorite diner where the entire Mossi Family
meets every Christmas Eve morning for breakfast.
Along with that tradition started many, many moons ago,
we're known for wearing our Santa hats to breakfast.
The staff  at Moore's has come to expect us on Christmas Eve morning
and are always so good to us.
It's the familiarity and the fact that it's Christmas, I suppose.
It probably  also has something to do with Mr being an extremely generous tipper
because, after all, it's Christmas Eve morning and his mother worked a good 
part of her life waiting tables, so he has a soft spot for those hard working folks -
especially those working on Christmas.
So, here's my fav 2014 Christmas photo featuring Cowboy & Cupcake
sitting at our table at Moore's...
Just after I took this photo, Cowboy said the following, very funny thing...
"Poppo, you have the STRONGEST, MUSCLIEST fingers EVER!"
And we filled the diner with laughter and 
called his quip the Christmas Eve Quote of the Day.

There's not much here about the progress on the bungalow;
I apologize for that.
I'll get back to it in upcoming posts.
We sure appreciate all of you sticking with us, supporting 
and encouraging us along the way.
We wish you all a very happy, bless-ed new year.
