Our Retro Bungalow

Our Retro Bungalow
The journal of the making of an old house into a lovely new home.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Peek Inside the Bungalow Beehive

As if we don't have enough going on,
Mr & Me 
are officially beginning beekeepers!
This is something that, for the past several years, I've thought I'd like to try.
So, here we are building a house while he works full time and I finish up school
and we throw one more project into the mix.
Just keeping things interesting around here.
Cowboy, Cupcake and I picked up our 
Italian honey bees on Saturday afternoon.
I installed them into their new home up near the top of our property 
on Sunday evening while Dean, Cowboy & Cupcake, 
Natalie & Jay , and Aubrey watched from a distance.
It was very exciting.
When I made preparations for the queen's release from her 
"chamber" and into the hive last night, I'd taken my iPhone with me 
to get a few photos. 
That didn't work out so well even though I had the camera open 
before putting my gloves on.
I went back up this morning to see how things were going
and took my Rebel with me.
The queen's subjects, it appears, are still working on her release; 
it seems so, anyway, because her chamber was surrounded with workers
as if they are still feeding her. 
I will check again tonight.

Here are a few photos...

There ya go...
now you've been introduced to 
The Bungalow Bees. 

I'll get back to regular posts about progress on the 
house before long.

Thanks for stoppin' by.