Our Retro Bungalow

Our Retro Bungalow
The journal of the making of an old house into a lovely new home.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

One Photo and a "Ta-Done" List

I'm not feelin' it much today -
ya know...
 blogging ambition.
Mostly because I'm captivated by my current read,
"The Book Thief".
I just started it and want to finish it soon - 
before it disappears from the dollar theaters, anyway.
It'd also be nice to loan it asap to my friend, Lori; 
she's eighth on the waiting list for it at the library.

Here's what went down at The Bungalow this past week:

** fireblocking in the basement installed **
** installed brackets on gables braces as per engineering specs **
** nailed floor joists to load-bearing wall in basement **
** installed strongbacks on the gable bracing **
** put more clips on the over-build kickers **
** installed kickers on south end overbuild gable **
** sheathing on edge of deck to garage roof **
** sheetrock backing on main level and basement **
** ran drain and vent lines **
** reset basement tub (moved some studs) **

And here's the only photo I took this week...

Dean cutting ABS in the dining room.

In other news...

With new recommend in hand, we went to the temple on Friday and,
as always, it was a welcome respite from all our cares.

Also this week,
Dean and I both took
 His score was 30.
Mine was 33.
It's a wonder we can accomplish anything,
especially tearing down and rebuilding a house.
And our children now know that they can rightfully blame their parents.

Thanks for stopping by.
Goodnight and God Bless.