Our Retro Bungalow

Our Retro Bungalow
The journal of the making of an old house into a lovely new home.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving Week and So Much To Be Thankful For part II

After the crane did its job of lifting all our trusses up onto the roof,
Dean and Dave and Michael spent the entire rest of the day getting the first ones set.
The next day was Thanksgiving and our hearts were overflowing with gratitude for 
the incredible men from our ward and neighborhood that showed up in the morning
to help us before their families gathered together to celebrate and
feast and enjoy each other's company.
And the next day...
they all showed up again!
And they worked 
And the day after that...
yep, you guessed it;
they showed up again!!
After crawling in bed those nights and turning out the light, 
we talked for a while about how we could possibly thank these 
men enough for their tremendous gift of service to us.
This will forever be a very memorable Thanksgiving weekend.
All the trusses got set, some of the sheathing on the trusses was put on,
and most of the sheathing on the walls was finished.


Without much commentary, here are some more photos...

Our awesome crew from left to right:
Michael VanBallegooie, Clayton Barrett, Dean, Tannon, Dave VanBallegooie,
JayDee, Reed Wood, John Hunt and Doug Hunt.

And finally...

We are so happy and so excited.

one more thing!

Dean got a good jump on some of the framing in the basement.
He got the entire east wall of the basement cut and laid out
(it's really long),
he and Tan put it together, and I got to help stand it up.
He also framed up one of the bathroom walls, but I don't
have a photo at the moment of that or the east wall standing and installed.

These photos are not in proper order.
I know that down the road I'll regret not putting more
effort into these posts, but there are other things that
need my attention.

Thanks so much for dropping by!
We do enjoy and appreciate your comments and support.