Our Retro Bungalow

Our Retro Bungalow
The journal of the making of an old house into a lovely new home.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Full House, Happy Hearts

Our niece, Sarah, sent me a Facebook message on Feb 4th.
I didn't see it until a couple of days later.
I'm not a very good Facebook friend.
I post, mostly from Instagram, but don't check in and 
actually scroll the 'news feed' regularly.
I panicked a little when I read what she'd sent.
I panicked because I was afraid they'd made other plans
because I hadn't responded quickly. 
She was asking to stay here with us while she and her family were here in Utah.
They live in Rhonert Park, California, 
and were traveling out here to drop their daughter, Phoenix,
off at the Provo MTC on Wednesday the 10th.
She was a little shy and nervous about asking because
there would be SIX of them:
her, her husband Aaron, and their 4 children.
They hadn't visited us at Our Retro Bungalow before,
but had read about it and seen pictures of it here on our blog
and she assumed it was a teeny, tiny little nest for two.
Not so.
Well, it is true that we're not huge or big or spacious by any means,
but we have a couple of sweet guest rooms. 
My reply to her...

And so...
when Phoenix had been set apart after their church meetings on Sunday,
they hit the road, drove straight through and arrived at
our back door about 1:30 Monday morning.
We put them right to bed -
Sarah and Aaron in the "Louisa Room",
Phoenix and Olivia in the "______ Room",
Hunter on the queen-size blow-up bed and
Orion on the big red sectional 
that  I'd made up with sheets, blankets and pillows.
  All I can tell you is that for the few short days they were here
this was a happy and happenin' little house.
And you know that heavy quietness that prevails 
when company that you love leaves?
Retro Bungalow was a bit melancholy when they left 
and it took a day or two to readjust.
But they'll be back again.
They promised.
And Uncle Dean and I have talked about having their kids
come out and stay a week or so during the Summer to hang out with us.
Oh, I do hope so!

Sister Piombo will be serving in the St Louis, Missouri mission -
the same mission our son-in-law, Joe, served in. She's gonna be GREAT!
It's WONDERFUL to have a missionary in the family again.

Missionary dad, Aaron, is a Policeman and member of their Bishopric.
Missionary mom, Sarah, is the owner/operator of a large salon where they do it all -
hair, nails, tanning and whatever else you need to get all gussied up and purdy.
These young peeps.
We LOVE 'em!
Left to right in front are Phoenix, Hunter and Olivia.
Orion, their brother, is in the back.
They had a lot of fun running one of our old sleds all over the back 40.
That Hunter! I could just eat her up, she's SO SWEET.
And Orion - WATCH OUT, girls!
He's quite the tall, dark and handsome young fellow with an incredible
smile to go with his charming personality.
Olivia is a lovely, lovely young lady and the  quiet one of the family and I adore her.
She and Orion are twins.
On Tuesday night I ordered a stack of pizzas from Papa Murphey's,
whipped up a batch of  Uncle Richard's Peanut Butter-Chocolate Chip cookies,
brought out all the soda we had on hand and all the Mossi kids came over
for an evening of  talk-talk-talking, eating, hugging, reminiscing, and just an
all around good visit with their cousins and their cousins kids.
With the grandchildren running around playing and all the conversation going on,
it was quite the delightful ruckus.
Aaron shared a message Sister Piombo sent shortly after arriving 
and getting settled in at the MTC:

Hi everyone! So the MTC really is almost magical. The spirit is everywhere and i cannot even explain to you how incredible this experience has already been. I have been blessed with a wonderful companion and an amazing district. We are learning so much and growing together...building our testimonies off of one another and it's so wonderful. I don't know what i would do without my district or my companion. Honestly it's not easy, even on day 1!!! but they have been my support through this. Them and of course my Heavenly Father. I cannot begin to explain how close I have grown to Him being here, my testimony has just exploded! I cannot believe that it can get any bigger than it already has, but i have 10 days left here so i will let you know how that goes! We only have a short amount of time for an update tonight, but I will be sure to write more and often. One thing i want to share and to leave with you is my testimony of Prayer. It really is step one towards happiness and I know that if you open that communication with Him your Heavenly Father he will be waiting there to bless you! I love you all and I cannot wait to hear back from you! If you truly want to find happiness and peace in your life ask your Heavenly Father and if you have any more questions talk to a missionary! It saves us from knocking on so many doors haha
Love Sister Piombo

You GO girl!