Our Retro Bungalow

Our Retro Bungalow
The journal of the making of an old house into a lovely new home.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Guest Room #1

I haven't logged into blogger for nearly six weeks.
There's some catching up to do.
I've got a few fun projects to share that we've completed here, 
but today I'll back way up to the end of November.
I started this post shortly after Thanksgiving when our lovely
"Louisa May Alcott" guest room was occupied for the first time 
by Dean's sister, Kaos Karen,  for five nights.
It was wonderful to have her here for Thanksgiving!

Dean's brother, Kevin, Karen in the middle, and Dean.

When we were out back living in our trailer, I had the notion to give each
of our two guest rooms a theme.
I know.
Maybe that's a little silly.
Or eccentric.
But I like the notion and I'm forging ahead with it.
I love books.
I love reading.
Therefore, each of our guestrooms will be appointed accordingly.

There are more details to be added to this charming guestroom
and hopefully I'll get to those details before long.
I've already started on the other guest room, though.
That's basically how I roll.
Dean is convinced I need medicinal intervention for ADD.
He's probably right.
Moving right along...
Come on in and I'll show you around our
Louisa May Alcott room.

Since it was Thanksgiving, I added a few autumnal touches.

Even a real pumpkin on the dresser!
But really, I had oodles of real pumpkins, big and small, distributed 
all over the house.
I've a bit of a pumpkin fetish, I do.

This is a mere sampling.
I had quite a collection of glass, ceramic, wood and metal
pumpkins, but our Retro Bungalow is much smaller than
Casa di Mossi so I gave most of those away for lack of storage space.
I do love decorating for Fall with the real thing, though.
And Judy's horses LOVE getting them for treats when I'm
done with them,

I searched high and low for just the right bedspread and finally found it
at JCPenny.com, of all places.
Bonus: it was on sale for half off!
A good deal always makes me happy.
Underneath that lovely spread is a cozy eiderdown, just like the one
 on our bed upstairs.
Right now the only details I have to set it apart as the
Louisa May Alcott room is the book on the night table
and the print I had mounted and framed by Chris at Bennion.
I'll soon frame and hang portraits of Orchard House, Louisa
and a copy of her poem

'To the First Robin'
"Welcome, welcome, little stranger,
Fear no harm, and fear no danger,
We are glad to see you here,
For you sing "Sweet Spring is near."
Now the white snow melts away,
Now the flowers blossom gay.
Come dear bird and build your nest,
for we love our robin best."

If you even happen to travel this-a-way,
please know that we've a lovely guest room
ready and waiting.
And if this theme happens to be a bit too feminine for you...
I think you'll appreciate our Guest Room #2.

Thank you for stopping by.
We appreciate your interest and support.
Stay tuned.