Our Retro Bungalow

Our Retro Bungalow
The journal of the making of an old house into a lovely new home.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Bungalow Kitchen Backsplash

I've been trying to get this post done since Sunday afternoon,
but there's been quite a bit of interference around here.
But not all interference is annoyance.
There's such a thing as happy interference too, ya know.
And that's just the type of interference that's been constant
over this-a-way.
A long Sunday afternoon nap, our kids dropping in to visit,
a last minute day of tending our Cowboy and Cupcake are a few
of the happy distractions that have kept me from getting this done.
Let's see how this go-around turns out, shall we?

Going into this whole "let's rebuild an old house" business,
I was very excited about the prospect of choosing every detail.
And I'm blessed to have a husband who trusts me completely to do just that.
Well, I'm over it.
I'm thrilled to be done (98%, anyway) with all the choosing and deciding.
I really just want to get on with the more important business of
living a normal, balanced life.
Choosing the kitchen back splash tile was nothing less than grueling.
I was really quite certain I wanted to go with white subway tile and a very dark gray grout.
I was plagued with second thoughts.
I feared it might look too much like a bathroom back splash.
And too stark.
I wanted warmth and charm.
So, I decided natural stone would be fabulous,
but ultimately I couldn't bring myself to commit to that either.
One thing I was completely sold on was using the set of
hand made art tiles I had purchased from Emu Tile back in Kent, Ohio.
I reset my thinking, clearing my mind of old ideas and opened it up to some new ones.
Without further adieu,
(because, seriously, I just know I'd better just get on with it at the risk of interference, happy or otherwise)
here's what I came up with.
Mr & Me installed it the week after Thanksgiving.
And we both

This is the Emu art tile set called "Birds on a Branch".

I'm assuming your monitor doesn't do the color justice, but it's
called "Salvia". For those not botanically savvy, salvia is a type of sage;
therefore, think of a sage green if you cannot see it on your computer screen.
The grout color is MAPEI's "biscuit" - nice and warm.
So, that crackle finish?
Be still my heart!!
That's it.
Another happy ending to another Retro Bungalow project.
I've got a few more up my sleeve to share,
so stay tuned.
Thank you, as always, for your love and support.
It really blows our minds when we think back on what we've done.
It's been so wonderful to have all your positive feedback and encouragement.