Our Retro Bungalow

Our Retro Bungalow
The journal of the making of an old house into a lovely new home.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

NOW We're Cookin'

The past few weeks have been particularly exciting as we've 
watched the personality of Retro Bungalow emerge.
I've been spending lots and lots of time online purchasing the 
aesthetic elements. They're slowly finding their way to our front porch
and my favorite contractor has been installing them one by one.
We've also been working and working and working on
getting the wood flooring down;
it's not a difficult job,
but it is a very messy job
and that gets frustrating.

is the messy part.
Because we have radiant floor heating under gypcrete,
we can't nail our flooring down. We have to glue it down 
with urethane. It has the consistency of honey and is applied with a trowel.
Yeah. Just try picturing that for a moment.
But we're making progress...

Our cabinet makers showed up to begin installation last week.
And there were complications.
Serious complications.
When Raymond explained that they'd exhausted every possibility they 
could think of to make our GORGEOUS custom island work,
 I felt panic welling up inside me.
And then he proceeded to itemize the cost of rebuilding it.
It was all I could do to hold back the tears that were desperate for escape.
All I could say was, "Dean will be home soon. He'll figure something out."
Raymond reminded me once more that they'd thought of everything already.
I kindly explained to Raymond that he didn't know my husband and
left to run a couple of errands, calling Dean  as I pulled onto Fruitland
to let him know what was going on.
Calmly, he reminded me that problems like this arise all the time in construction 
and that there's always a way to fix things.
By the time I returned home Dean had been here with Raymond and Devin 
for about 15 minutes and had come up with a solution.
Problem solved.
I should know better.
I panicked for naught.

Here are a few photos of some other little things we've done besides flooring...

The light fixture over where the kitchen sink will be is installed.

And the chandelier where the dining table will go is installed.

And several more canned lights are in, like the one in the vestibule
that illuminates our "vanity window".

We actually had a devil of a time getting it hooked up as there was a loose
connection at the breaker.
It took us about an hour to figure it out.
The next day I went out and bought some of that Nestle
pre-made cookie dough just to try it out.
The oven works great, but has a kind of burning oil smell.
I haven't read up on it yet, but I'm assuming it's just because it's new
and the smell will burn off and go away.

Dean had Veterans day off from his 9-5, so he and Joe and I got the concrete slabs
for the front porch and back deck steps poured.
I don't have any photos of those slabs, but really...
it's wonderful to have that done, but they're not much to look at.

Tannon and Joe came over Saturday and helped Dean install several outlets and switches
while all the Mossi women were over at Jo-Tan's for Abigail's bridal shower.

It's late -
the hour and getting this posted.
So, if it comes across as convoluted that's because I'm tired
and spiraling into shutdown mode.

Thanks for stoppin' by.
Good night and God bless.