Our Retro Bungalow

Our Retro Bungalow
The journal of the making of an old house into a lovely new home.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Painting, Hanging, Digging and Thieving

I'm blown away by how fast the last couple of weeks got away.
And if I think about it too much it'll discourage me.
So, moving right along...
Most of what we've done since I last posted has been
taking care of lots of smaller details.
Combined, all those little details have been time consuming.
I'll just cover our more significant accomplishments.

Matt O finished sanding our sheet rock on Tuesday, the 10th.
He cleaned up, packed up, said "Thanks", "I'll email you an invoice." and "Goodbye"
and headed off into the sunset.
But I have to tell you a funny story.
Jeff, Matt's brother, came a few times to help Matt out.
One morning Jeff brought along a white bakery bag with a couple
of doughnuts from Lee's in it for his breakfast.
He set the bag in the window of our master bedroom.
When he decided it was time for breakfast,
he went to go have himself a doughnut,
but the bag was gone.
Looking around, he just happened to get a glimpse out the window
and there, on the back lawn, saw his white bakery bag next to Ally
who was just finishing up doughnut number two.
Jeff was very good humored about it and laughed when he told me what she'd done.
But the next time he showed up with a white bakery bag,
he was careful to put it in the sill of the transom window in
our bedroom that sits six feet off the floor.

Not long after stealing Jeff's doughnuts
she stole a piece of pizza from our picnic table when we weren't looking
a muffin I'd started eating for breakfast one morning, but had put down
to go do something else.
This lovable mug doesn't look like a thief, does she.
So, what's her deal lately?
She doesn't like her new dog food.

I reported in the last post that we'd painted the garage
"Gil-Bob Gray" and "Grease Monkey".
Well, as we were merrily painting along, each of us lost in our own thoughts,
Mr says to me, 
"What if we added a wainscot of another color?"
I thought that was a great idea and asked him what color.
I knew he'd say red.
He's always liked red.
I picked up some Valspar color samples at Lowe's.
We do the majority of our miscellaneous supply shopping at Home Depot 
even though Lowe's is closer, but I just happened to be at Lowe's that day.
We do not like Valspar paint at all.
From those samples, he chose "Fabulous Red".
The next time I was at Home Depot
I had them color match it and mix up a gallon in their Behr semigloss.
And I've renamed it, of course, since I renamed the others.
I'm calling it "Rev It Red".
And ya know how one thing leads to another?
Yeah, ya do.
I suggested putting a black stripe on top of the red
and we changed the trim color to black too.
The black paint is Pratt and Lambert's "Black",
(yeah, I know...real original, huh)
but we're calling it

We also painted the garage floor while we were at it...
The prep work  actually took us longer than painting it did.

And Dean got all the lights hung in the garage.
There are 12 four bulb fixtures mounted on the ceiling.
It's bright!
When all those lights are on it reminds me of an operating room.
It'll be perfect for when he's working on automotive projects.

All the doors in the basement are hung...

And the last two things I'll mention are:
We built the front porch using Fiberon decking.
Fiberon is a little pricier than Trex, but I liked the looks of it much better.
I'll post a photo of the front porch next time,
when the railing will be complete.
We couldn't finish it because one of our components
was damaged and needs replacing and
the balusters are back-ordered.
Last, we dug a 40' trench to bury a 3" pvc conduit for our
secondary water line that will feed the sprinkler lines up at
the top of our property.
We had to get that in before the truck-load
of gravel we're having delivered tomorrow.

That's it for tonight.
I know it's been 2 weeks
and this short post doesn't sound like
a lot has gotten done,
but trust me...
we've kept very busy.

Thanks, as always, for stoppin' by.
Good night and God bless.