Our Retro Bungalow

Our Retro Bungalow
The journal of the making of an old house into a lovely new home.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

All About Decks (well, mostly)

We are still busy, but aren't feeling the pressure we did
in previous weeks and that's a wonderful relief.

The first thing we did this past week was move the trailer.
I can say with confidence that this will be the LAST time we 
move the trailer while it is our actual abode. 

We had to move it to make room for building the back deck.

On Monday Inspector Craig showed up to inspect the drywall nailing, 
deck flashing and deck joists.

Matt O showed up Tuesday to put up all the corner bead on the sheetrock...

The next day he started taping and mudding...

The rest of the week I worked like the dickens to finish all my schoolwork, 
get it submitted, take one last test and now I'm DONE! 
Only thing is, I'm pretty sure that I'm no longer interested in 
employment based on my course work. 
Now I'm thinking I'd like to work for a contractor. 
We'll see. 
But until we get moved into the house, there's no time to think about going to work.
I also did yard work and helped Dean here and there with building the decks.

The front deck is framed and flashed...

And the back deck is...

(except for sanding, priming and painting, steps and railing that is)

And ya know what?
We used all the floor joists from the original house for the deck joists and 
the redwood decking from the original decks!
YES, we DID.
We saved everything that was good enough to keep and reuse when we 
tore the old decks apart. Saved us a nice chunk of change and it makes us 
feel pretty good about not wasting the natural value of the trees that all 
that lumber came from.
Not that we're like tree huggers or hippies or anything.
And not that there's anything wrong with huggin' trees or bein' a hippie.

Thanks for stoppin' in again.
Sure do appreciate y'all.
Good Night and God Bless.