Our Retro Bungalow

Our Retro Bungalow
The journal of the making of an old house into a lovely new home.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Slow and Steady

We thought we'd be further ahead when the sun went down
Saturday evening, but that's basically how it goes with construction.
Here, in a nutshell, are the bigger things we got accomplished.

(Captions are at the top of the photos)

We got the triple plating done.
We triple plated it to get a few more inches of height in the basement.
Ya wanna know what's super cool about these sill plates?
The bottom plates are salvaged redwood 2x6s from the back deck that we
 tore out and the top two sill plates are salvaged joists out of the attic. 
Recycled, reused, repurposed
and best of all...

Dean got all the rough plumbing done.
He'd thought about hiring a plumber just to give him some guidance
on installation, but didn't. He learned a lot from 
doing online research and felt confident he wouldn't need any hired help.

Dave got the bearing wall in the basement framed. 
The bearing wall for the stairs, the north wall of the north-east 
bedroom and the south wall of the storage/utility room are also framed.

We'd envisioned having the floor trusses set and the OSB laid for the main-level floor by now,
but as I mentioned, Dean spent most of the week figuring out and working on the rough plumbing.

  We visited Home Depot's tool rental again.
This time we needed a concrete saw to make another cut in the
 basement slab for a plumbing vent. 
Dean also cut out part of the old patio where the footing for the deck roof will be and
 he sliced out a big chunk of the old concrete front porch to accommodate the footing 
for the front porch overhang.

And Mrs Brunty got the chance to relive one of her favorite childhood memories.
She got down in the trenches and knocked off all the foundation ties with a little 
sledge hammer just like she and her twin sister, Aubrey, did 13 years ago
 when we built our Pleasant View home and they were 9 years old.
Okay, so maybe that isn't one of her favorite memories. 
It's too bad she didn't have her "first other half" here to relive that memory with her. 
Thanks, Lars. 
You're a good sport.

We're looking forward to this week's progress.