Our Retro Bungalow

Our Retro Bungalow
The journal of the making of an old house into a lovely new home.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Seven Tons

We had a little family work party yesterday to clear
all the cut and busted up concrete out of the basement.
We know how blessed we are to have such great kids and kids-in-law.
Truth is, they'll do just about anything for unlimited doughnuts and chocolate milk.
It helps to know their weaknesses.
(and yes, children, your momma said "busted" and yes, that word is still frowned upon)
This isn't gonna be much of a post;
just a few photos to document the day.

The work was better than half done in this photo.

This here is Mrs Brunty. We were blessed with four daughters and
three of those daughters can and do work like boys.
And that makes us proud.
And the other one?
She knows who she is and she makes us proud too
cuz workin' like a girl ain't nothin' to sneeze at.
(and I know that's a double negative which, in my opinion, is just as offensive as the word "busted")

The men took care of most of the big chunks and then Mrs Brunty 
and I chucked the smaller of them up and out of the window
and the men loaded 'em in the trucks.

No comment.

It took two trips to the dump for both of the trucks.
The grand total of concrete loaded and unloaded yesterday...
Team Mossi Rocks.

I guess I forgot to get a photo of the basement floor all cleaned out, but it's been a long day
and it's late (it's actually almost tomorrow) so you'll have to use your imagination.
G'night, ever' body.