Our Retro Bungalow

Our Retro Bungalow
The journal of the making of an old house into a lovely new home.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Knock, Knock

Whoo, whoo, whoo's there?

It was love at first sight  for me with this here charming, wonderful door knocker.
I ordered it shortly after we moved into the trailer and started the
demolition of the original house.
After quite a wait, it was finally perched in its proper place this week.

 The raw lumber you see here will be 'skirted' soon.
Our to-do list has been  whittled down dramatically
and this is one of the remaining tasks.
We'll get to it before long.

Back to the subject of knocking...
if you do happen to come knocking,
neither one of us will be answering the door.
Mr & Me are headed out on a road trip in the morning.
He told me to plan on a journey and not a destination.
We have a main destination in mind, 
but no hard and fast plans or itinerary for our way there or back.
The last get-a-way we had was three years ago.
We need this.
But Our Retro Bungalow will not be vacant!
Mr & Mrs Brunty have moved in.
They just bought their very first house!
 We are thrilled for these terrific kids of ours, but 
their new home won't be ready until the end of this month.
It's all worked out so well for them
and the timing is a blessing for us.

So, here's to Happy Trails!
Thanks for stoppin' by.
We do appreciate all the support and encouragement y'all have 
given us throughout this adventure.
Goodnight and God Bless.