Our Retro Bungalow

Our Retro Bungalow
The journal of the making of an old house into a lovely new home.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Meaningful Decor: Re-purposed Vintage Windows and Wallpaper

I could be tidying up the kitchen right now.
Or finish putting away the sundries I picked up at the market today.
But I think I'll blog because I have a mind to.
And I have a mind to only because I turned on our bed lamps 
a little while ago like I do most evenings just as 
 night's darkness settles in and, as usual, thought to myself
how pleasing our room is by lamp light. 
I feel the same about our sitting room too,
but tonight I'll tell you about the re-purposed vintage windows
and antique reproduction wall paper project I did
a couple of months ago.

Dean had, oddly enough, mentioned to me that we 
needed some kind of decor over the head of our bed.
That's not typical of him.
Quite surprising.
But I began giving the matter some consideration.
 I knew I did not want to buy something new.
I have several large-ish picture frames that
I saved from our Pleasant View home and thought
I might be able to do something with those, but after entertaining
that option for a couple of weeks I'd still come up with nothing.

One afternoon when I was hauling bags of 
chicken feed up to what we call "the garden shed" 
the obvious, which had eluded me for quite some time, 
smacked me right upside the skull.

A side note: That old shed and its companion that sits a bit further back on our property
have an interesting history and maybe one of these days I'll blog about that.
after I emptied the layer pellets and scratch grains
into their respective bins and was gathering up the feed sacks,
I looked up at the old, wood frame windows on the west wall 
and thought about all those Pinterest posts I'd seen of 
vintage windows turned into photo frames and what-not.
Next thing I knew I was back up at the shed, tools from the garage in hand, 
removing those old window frames.

I broke out what panes were still remaining and scraped out all the ancient caulking.
(say "ank-shent" just to give Mrs Brunty a giggle)
"Now what?"
Photos, maybe?
Art glass?
A few days later I was on a website that I enjoy 'window shopping' on
and came up with what I thought was a pretty good idea.
So, I did it.
I bought a yard of an antique replica wallpaper that I liked.

When it arrived, I cut 8 pieces to fit each pane, took those pieces to
Bennion Crafts to have them dry mounted, purchased a package of glazier points,
then stopped at Kelly Glass to have 8 new pieces of window glass cut.
I hauled the new components home and assembled our 'over the bed decor'.
Dean hung them and we're both very pleased.

So, about tidying up the kitchen and putting things away.
It can wait.
I'm weary.
I wonder if Dean is gonna watch Star Trek much longer.
Regardless, I'm gonna get myself ready for bed and crawl in.
G'night and God Bless.