Our Retro Bungalow

Our Retro Bungalow
The journal of the making of an old house into a lovely new home.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thanksgiving Week and So Much To Be Thankful For

Dean called me from work late Monday morning.
He sounded discouraged.
That worried me because he rarely gets discouraged.
He was feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work needing to be done 
while the weather forecast was favorable.
His plan had been to save some cash and get the trusses up on the house 
with good, old-fashioned manpower.
Without even mentioning my intentions, I started calling around looking for crane services 
as soon as our conversation ended and I'd hung up the phone. 
It took awhile, but I found two potential guys with cranes. 
Todd with "Hang 'Em High" said he could even provide a crew, 
but wouldn't be available until Saturday.
Andrew with "RJP" said he was wide open Tuesday and Wednesday, 
but didn't have any contacts for a crew.
I texted Dean with the information.
Dean started trying to put a crew together.
As soon as we found out on Tuesday that Dave and his son, Michael, would be 
available all day Wednesday,  Dean called Andrew back. 
Andrew was now booked for Wednesday! 
Dean texted me with the bad news as I was about to check out of my 
medical billing and coding class. 
It was all I could do to hold back the tears. 
I walked across campus to my next class, only to check and see if 
some assignments I'd turned in had been posted and then I left. 
I was headed home to do some desperate online searching and calling for 
another crane service and hopefully for Wednesday. 
Crane operators are hard to come by and they stay pretty busy. 
Now I was the one that was discouraged. 
I was almost home when Dean texted me again. 
He'd found a crane in Salt Lake that would be available for Wednesday! 
It'd be more expensive coming from that far away, but I didn't 
even wince as I wrote out that check for $392 for an hour an forty-five minutes of 
crane service before the crane and its operator drove away Wednesday morning
leaving our trusses atop our little bungalow.

And here we go with some photos... 

There are more photos, much more to tell,  
and much gratitude to express for the
wonderful men that came and worked
so hard helping us out over the long
 holiday weekend.
But, I'm done with this for tonight.
I'll post 
Part II
of last week's progress tomorrow.
It's been a long Sunday.
Thanks for stoppin' by.