Our Retro Bungalow

Our Retro Bungalow
The journal of the making of an old house into a lovely new home.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Baby, It's Cold Outside,

but we're staying nice and warm in our cozy little trailer home.
Our children and neighbors and ward family have expressed concern, but really...
we are warm and happy.
I promise!

I have more progress than pictures to post today.
I've slacked off on taking pictures. I'll try to do better this coming week.

Here's the rundown:

All framing details on the house are complete. 
We changed the ridge line of the garage roof to run north and south instead of east and west, 
so we are waiting for our engineer and truss maker to work that out. 
We hope to put the trusses up next week. 
Dean got the steel cages put in the pier forms, the inspector came, 
gave his approval and Dean filled them with concrete the next day.
He stripped the forms the day after that and we back filled around them.

We also filled in (by hand, with shovels) two big, deep holes that Dean dug with 
the mini excavator when we thought we'd be putting in 
another front porch pier/roof support. 
That was a BIG job.
Ry loaded up the trees and huge, overgrown shrubs that we had our excavator pull up 
a while back and he hauled them all up to our burn pit. 
It's nice to not have those ratty piles sitting out front, on the edge of the road.
Dean, Dave and Michael put up the beams and posts for the front porch.
That was a hard, tricky and somewhat perilous job.
They also got the back deck support beam installed.

Dean put down the first plate, framed up and erected the short, North wall of the garage.
Dave got more sheeting up.
The double top plates on the house are almost all nailed down.
I got our first bid on cabinets. 
Turns out, I have expensive taste - 
had another one of those sticker-shock induced heart attacks. 
I have a feeling there are more of those to come. 
I've got an appointment tomorrow to initiate another bid.
I also got a bid on fireplaces.
I may keel over just opening my email to look at bids one of these days.
I got the ball rolling on our custom art-glass window. 
I'm excited about it; it's going to be awesome.
I called my door guy at BMC and told him to cancel the brick moulding 
on all our exterior doors.
 I then went to an old business in town called "Ellis Planing and Mill" to see about 
having custom brick moulding made. 
That old building was one of the coolest places I've been in. 
The business, in its original building, was started four generations ago 
by the great-grandfather of the current, 70-ish proprietor. 
The scent of cut wood hung rich and heavy in the particle filled air. 
Most of the light came from the big windows and everything appeared to be sepia-toned. 
There were tall, sprawling piles of curled wood shavings here and there 
beneath work-tops and at the feet of machines. 
Sawdust veiled every surface . 
There were all sorts of antiquated, as well as modern,
 tools, implements and instruments 
neatly set on and in racks and shelves suspended on the old walls. 
An impressive cobweb billowed, suspended between an old work bench and 
the weathered divides of a filmy window pane. 
I would love to have poked around that place for a couple of hours. 
Although I know the setting is different, I couldn't help but think of
Dicken's "Old Curiosity Shoppe".
 It was such an afferent adventure. 

Okay. Enough. 
I think that's all for now.
Mr has already succumbed to slumber. 
I'm feeling the effect of turning the clocks back too. 
Until next week...